Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Baby Proof Christmas

I'm always excited to put up the Christmas tree and load it up with presents right away. Then my hubby and I sit for the next few weeks staring at all the loot that will be ripped apart in the excitement of Christmas morning.
(not that we EVER wait until Christmas morning)

But, this year I have two boys. My oldest is 2 and my youngest is 7 months. So not only would putting the gifts out early only result in instant enthusiasm and an instant Christmas morning, rendering it impossible to explain the concept of waiting to open the gifts,
at least until tomorrow...
but all my fancy, shiny, fragile ornaments would also be new and exciting. And my sticky fingered little man would not understand that we need to leave the glorious items on the tree. After all they are so much more fun to look at then throw.
Now that could understandably be debated...

Earlier in the year Hubby and I were shopping at Costco.

God Bless Costco!
Can I get an Amen?

And we found adorable little stuffed animal ornaments. We loaded up on them, thinking ahead
(ahem... for a change... ahem).
But once they were on the tree I still missed the lovely look of Christmas balls dangling from the branches.

Once Upon a Time my mother made ornaments using Styrofoam balls and these came to mind.

Seriously the easiest things in the world to make.

Grab a Styrofoam ball, a few different prints of Christmas fabric and a dull knife, you'll also need the assistance of scissors to cut up squares of fabric. Cut a square or rectangle, I wouldn't go too crazy with the shapes, more sides = more work, from the fabric. Place the fabric square on the ball and, using the knife, push the sides of the fabric down into the ball. Go all the way around and voila! A quilted looking, baby proof, Christmas ball ornament. To add a hook, simply grab some ribbon make a loop and either hot glue it to the ball or use a pin and stick it in place.
I love the holidays!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hurray for Me!

Check me out!!!
It took some time, but I was able to figure out how to add the nifty little video Heather Bailey made for her new collection. I wont tell you how long I went over it in my head trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, because you'd never believe me...
it's sad, really.

Head over to her blog at www.hellomynameisheather.com for great crafting ideas or www.heatherbaileystore.com to browse and spend your ENTIRE pay check!! I can't help but spend everything whenever I go on there.
The only kicker with me is that I tend to forget I'm not as good at sewing as I lead myself to believe. So I order things with the best of intentions only to be thrown back to Earth with the reality of my lack of skill.
Practice makes perfect though right? and I am more then willing to practice all the time if it means I can keep buying beautiful fabric!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh the Excitement!

It's no secret in my household that I love all things Heather Bailey. I am SOO excited about her new collection Nicey Jane I have forbade myself from going onto her wesite, as I know this will be devastating to my bank account, and quite possibly my marriage. Check out the nifty little video she put together... oh to be so handy with a computer...


yes... apparently I am not handy enough to get the actual video to upload all fancy like into this message... I will try again later. Alas, nap time appears to be over, along with my mommy break. Back to work I go!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The ABC's of ME!

A. Author
I have a bunch, but I do love Margaret George.

B. Beverage
Coffee... I always go through bouts that I give it up, but man-o-man do I love the stuff!

C. Children
2 boys

D. Dislikes
Fish and Mornings.

E. Everyday Essential
Hair Elastic, I keep one wrapped around my finger at all times just incase I need it; I put my hair up and take it down at least 3-4 times a day.

F. Favorite Food
Pasta. I will eat almost anything if it's combined with pasta.

G. "Good Thing"
Mod-Podge... It's a good thing.

H. Happiness is...

I. Ice Cream
All of it, why limit yourself to just one when they are all fabulous?

J. Junk Food
I love all junk food, but if I had to choose a single item to add to my hips it would be chocolate. Mint Chocolate anything to be even more precise!

K. Knitting or Sewing
For now sewing, but only because I know it better and am more comfortable with it. I could see a tie in the future once I'm more practiced with knitting.

L. Love
I love all kinds of things, but for simplicity sake I will have to go with my boys (the hubbs counts as one of the boys), and my sewing machine...

M. Movie
Stranger Than Fiction
It's the only Will Ferrell movie I like.

N. Nerdy Confession
I love all things comic book related.

O. Occupation
I'm a momma, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a maid, a cook, a financial advisor, a chauffeur and I don't get paid to do any of it!
... I'm a full time mom...

P. Pet Peeve
I'm a mom... there is nothing that compares to whining...

Q. Quote
I have a few favorites...

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort" - Herm Albright

"I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all." Coco Chanel

"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be" - Abraham Lincoln

R. Religion
Christian all the way my friend! Yay God!

S. Style
I have none, unless "comfortable" counts... I wear what's comfortable and what fits.

T. Tattoos
While I LOVE them, I have none; I haven't been confident enough in choosing an image I wouldn't regret when I was 85.

U. Umbrella or Hood
I do so love umbrella's, but I'm always holding so much other stuff I find them really hard to handle in addition to diaper bags, purses, children and keys, so for now, hoods.

V. Verse
I have a couple, but a few that stand out in my mind are:

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still." Exodus 14:14

"Surely just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand." Isaiah 14:24

"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34

W. Winter or Summer
Fall is my most favorite, but if I had to choose between the extremes of winter and summer I would choose winter... I'm not crazy about the heat.

X. X-Ray's you've had
My wrist, both knees, my jaw and my chest... not all at the same time though... that would suck!

Y. Year you were born

Z. Zodiac
I couldn't tell you to be honest, I don't really follow that stuff.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Birthday Cake and a Fat Lip

It's official, my baby is 2 whole years old. I'd heard that "it goes by so fast", but honestly didn't believe it. Maybe it did for everyone else, but not for me, I would pay extra attention and enjoy everything as much as possible... fast forward 2 years and I will agree, it goes fast... too fast... What happened to the last couple years? When did my little 8 pound baby turn into a toddler??The poor thing had a rough couple of days too. He was playing with a bouncy ball and hit himself in the eye. The same day did a face plant on the kitchen floor, resulting in a lot of blood and a fat lip. A day went by, the swelling went down and then today he some how did a nose dive into the TV stand and split his bottom lip and cut under his nose! made for some sad looking birthday photos let me tell ya...

ah, but it's nothing a little pirate costuming and cake can't fix!!!