I'm always excited to put up the Christmas tree and load it up with presents right away. Then my hubby and I sit for the next few weeks staring at all the loot that will be ripped apart in the excitement of Christmas morning.
(not that we EVER wait until Christmas morning)
But, this year I have two boys. My oldest is 2 and my youngest is 7 months. So not only would putting the gifts out early only result in instant enthusiasm and an instant Christmas morning, rendering it impossible to explain the concept of waiting to open the gifts,
at least until tomorrow...
but all my fancy, shiny, fragile ornaments would also be new and exciting. And my sticky fingered little man would not understand that we need to leave the glorious items on the tree. After all they are so much more fun to look at then throw.
Now that could understandably be debated...
Earlier in the year Hubby and I were shopping at Costco.
God Bless Costco!
Can I get an Amen?
And we found adorable little stuffed animal ornaments. We loaded up on them, thinking ahead
(ahem... for a change... ahem).
But once they were on the tree I still missed the lovely look of Christmas balls dangling from the branches.
Once Upon a Time my mother made ornaments using Styrofoam balls and these came to mind.
Seriously the easiest things in the world to make.
Grab a Styrofoam ball, a few different prints of Christmas fabric and a dull knife, you'll also need the assistance of scissors to cut up squares of fabric. Cut a square or rectangle, I wouldn't go too crazy with the shapes, more sides = more work, from the fabric. Place the fabric square on the ball and, using the knife, push the sides of the fabric down into the ball. Go all the way around and voila! A quilted looking, baby proof, Christmas ball ornament. To add a hook, simply grab some ribbon make a loop and either hot glue it to the ball or use a pin and stick it in place.
I love the holidays!!