Life around here has been moving at a steady pace. We all seem to have something going on but are slowly figuring out how to mesh everything together so everything gets done.
I have been drinking lots of tea and thoroughly enjoying myself while doing it! I had forgotten just how wonderful tea can make you feel.
Charlotte is growing and changing so fast! She can entertain herself a bit, reach for toys and smack at them, bring things to her mouth to chew on and she loves her jolly jumper like it's no one's business!
I have developed a new love for water color paints... seriously the BEST form of paint for the boys... the mess is so much smaller, requires less prep (covering surfaces and what not) and, personally, I think it looks so much nicer! The boys love that they can still see the picture they are painting beneath the paints and they think turning their water into "mud" is the best thing on the planet.
I subscribed to a fiber club using some of my Christmas money and received my first shipment (this could have happened last week...) of a merino, silk blend... it is dreamy!
My mister bought a snowmobile so I am trying to barter for a
spinning wheel... I'll keep you updated on my progress...