So umm... yah... that happened...
Good golly, it has been a long time!
I hang my head in shame and apology. Over an entire year of silence!
While I make no promises for the regularity of upcoming posts I do have hopes and dreams of once again posting more routinely.
I had debated doing up a GIANT post filled with exciting updates, juicy info and cute pictures from the past 16 months but decided that would just be... too much... so! a quick update has been decided upon.
We were able to finally sell our house and move to our new location last summer. The boys have done so well adjusting to our new surroundings and have been involved in so many community activities. Ms. Charlotte had her first birthday and has grown so much in personality. That girl has us on our toes so much more then either of her brothers did and she is increasingly more vocal with her feelings on different situations. I fear the handful that little lady will become!
Our biggest news of all though is that we are expecting another little Pink Bean in roughly 7 weeks! This has by far been my hardest pregnancy and I'm not handling it with near the grace I have in the past. We have been puttering away finding a place for this new beauty in our 3 bedroom home and counting the days until we can meet her and start the healing process that will be involved from my third c-section. Once again my mister will be taking a
huge chunk of time off to help me during my recovery and everyone adjust to the demands another little human will involve.
While it seems like so little has happened when boiled down to a few short paragraphs life has been a whirl wind of activity, but I am so excited to be back at documenting and photographing everything once again!