
Thursday, November 25, 2010

On My Own

My mister has gone on vacation for the next 4 days.
You see, football is VERY important to my male in-laws and hubby. So when my father in law was left with tickets to an NFL game and no one to go with him it seemed silly not to send my hubby.
It wasn't right away, but my brother in law also decided to join them, so my man and his dad and brother are going to have a bit of "guys time".

I have no real complaints about him going, I would have loved to go "home" for a weekend, however financially it just didn't make sense at the moment for all 4 of us to pile into the car, transfer to a plane and have a cozy weekend filled with family luvin'.

I've already claimed a weekend this time next year for a trip to ON to go to the One of a Kind Show, so I'll just hold on to that promise for now!

All that to be said, I am extremely productive, it seems, when I'm all alone in the evenings.

I have big plans this evening to make a glorious cup of coffee once the boys are down and eat one too many Peppermint Melt Aways (recipe to be shared shortly),
sew myself into a tizzy and then possibly clean.

My house gets a little messy during the days (refer here), so my one and only goal while single parenting is to try and keep up with the cleaning as much as possible. After I've met that goal, I have blankets, dolls and owls to sew, laundry to put away, crochet to finish, crafting projects that have been pushed aside for far too long, and embroidery to tackle!

Should make for a busy, but fun filled weekend!
I have some craft projects planned, music class and church to keep the boys busy as well so hopefully they wont cry for daddy too much.

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