
Friday, June 3, 2011


I've had a few people ask me within the last couple of weeks about knitting.
If I'm finding it difficult... what books I would recommend... yada yada...
so I thought I'd share a bit more on here just incase you, my dear friend, were wondering the same thing!!

Honestly, I have been turing to YouTube an awful lot to help me with things I don't understand or need further clarification with. In my YouTube searches I have come across a few videos that have been so much help and they're all mostly from the same person.
She has her own YouTube channel that you can find all her videos, which I just watch over and over.

Some that I find most helpful are:

Casting on using your needles (I still find the method shown in the video I posted here to be the easiest way to cast on though)

Basic Knit Stitch

Basic Purl Stitch

Although I primarily use YouTube as my reference/teacher I do have a couple books I often turn to as well.
Stitch 'N Bitch by Debbie Stoller is an awesome book!

File:Stitch 'n Bitch Book Cover.jpg

The instructions are very easy to follow and she's got some great beginner projects as well as some harder ones that you can grow with.

I also refer to Knitting by Ros Badger a fair amount.

The pictures in this book are also very clear but my most favourite thing is that it has a "Stitch Library" section. This section shows many different squares of patterns along with the knitting instructions to complete the same pattern on your own. It's an awesome reference tool if you're super confused why something isn't turning out the way you want. Or if you know what you want but just aren't sure how to get it.

I do hope these help you as much as they have helped me. I'm still barely scratching the surface of being a "beginner" knitter but I'm feeling fairly confident that I can find what I need to improve with the resources I shared above.

Happy Knitting!

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