
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Annual Christmas Party

A few weekends ago my mister's work held it's annual Kids Christmas Party.
It's always such a fun time for the kids and this year was really no exception.
As soon as we walked in Eli found the craft table and hunkered down to make a beautifully festive picture. He spent a surprisingly long time working on his piece of art and was so proud of himself when he finished.
I brought in some gingerbread cookies for all the kids to decorate and they were such a hit!
In order to reduce the mess and potentially double dipped (licked) spoons, I put Royal icing into squeezable decorating containers and put out sprinkles and M&M's. The kids were all great at sharing and taking turns with the icing.
It was so much fun to see absolutely every kid at the table decorating all at once! 
 Pin the nose on frosty was also played and not to brag, but Zac totally nailed it!
 Of course Santa found his way to the party complete with a bag full of gifts for the kids.
After everyone had received their special package he stayed to have some pictures taken with each child.
Eli was more interested in discussing his super hero toys with Santa then actually getting his picture taken... he gets that from his mother...
Everyone brought a dish to share and it was such a super dinner with fries and pizza available for the kids and broccoli salad, chicken and perogies (to name a few) for the parents.
As everyone was leaving one of the families handed out these adorable bags to each of the kids... 
It's filled with sparkles and oatmeal and the tag reads: 
"Sprinkle on the lawn at night, the moon will make it sparkle bright, Santa's reindeer fly and roam, this will guide them to your home."
Cutest thing ever?? I thought so!

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