
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

July Books

July was a good book month for me. I tend to "cluster read" before I have a baby and pound back as many books as I possibly can in the last few months. I did it with both of my previous pregnancies and seem to have gotten the bug again with this growing bean... I think it's all out of fear for the lack of time once the little one arrives, something tells me having 3 kids ages 4 and under will keep me away from a good book for awhile!

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I had heard a lot about this series of books and they kept popping up everywhere so I decided to join the band wagon and see what this book was all about. As expected it was full of good vs evil stuff as that seems to be the trend these days. The short version of the story line is that (the main character) Clary can see Shadowhunters who are invisible beings that rid the earth of demons... sounds a little hokey, possibly cheesey... but a well written easy read. I quite enjoyed this book actually and will probably continue to read the others in the series.  

The Birth House by Ami McKay is a wonderful book, this was a reread for me and although I didn't enjoy it as much the second time around as I did the first I still highly recommend it. It's the story of Dora Rare, who is schooled in the ways of midwifery for her community (in Nova Scotia Canada none-the-less, yay Canada! oops... sorry, too much Olympic fever maybe?). Not a deep thinking book but cozy in every way.

The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon is sooo not the type of book I would normally read. It's about a young writer in 1920 Barcelona who is commissioned to write a book so compelling that it is treated like a religion and people would live or die for what it says... yaaaahhh... like I said, it was a little out there for me and I did have some troubles getting into it simply because I just couldn't quite get on board with the story. It was well written but I wouldn't want to read it again and if you were to ask, in person, my opinion I would probably shrug and say "meh".

What are you reading now? I have another month and half to go... perhaps another 5-7 books?

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