
Friday, September 28, 2012

Bits 'N' Pieces

When this week started I was full of enthusiasm and excitement... this week is finishing with the feelings of frustration and defeat. Oddly enough, my new emotions have nothing to do with the adjustment of having 3 kids... for now though I am looking back and finding the positives in the week...
1. Tiny hands
2. A moment alone
3. Pretending the hippo is eating him... he made it look oddly difficult
4. Going one step higher then he thought he could
5. Loving the sling and the beautiful day
6. Chapman's new Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream... soooo good... excellent for stress eating!
7. An awake moment
8. A beautiful gift from a sweet sister.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Granola Bars

When Zac started school this year I decided I was going to be one of those perfect mother's that sent her baby with homemade treats and sweet notes telling him to have a wonderful time or that I loved him, or something of equal embarrassment...
The notes were quickly abandoned when I came to my senses and remembered that he can't read yet... but the homemade snacks, that was something I could do. And I will say... I did a remarkable job the first week, then I had Charlotte and realized that he didn't care if the goodies were homemade or store bought... quite honestly he doesn't eat them at school anyways.

During the summer, knowing my hopes for homemade goodness in the lunch box, I searched for a wonderful granola bar recipe (have you seen all the unnatural junk in store bought granola bars??) and I found one here. I rarely put coconut in it, as called for, though opting to use 1/2 cup of anything else... dried cranberries, chopped dried apricots...
They are Super Good!! If I'm telling the truth, I've eaten more of these then I've actually sent with Zac... yummers!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Musical Monday: Sidewalk Prophets - The Words I Would Say

It's Monday!
I'm excited about this week - I feel like it's going to be a good one...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Introducing the new lady of the house...

Miss Charlotte Joan was born on September 11 at 11:12pm weighing in at 7lbs 8oz. 
I was set to go into the hospital September 12 for my planned section but she decided to make her debut a little earlier with my water breaking around 9:15pm on the 11th. Although everything was a bit more rushed then we had anticipated everything went off without any complications and her and I are both home now resting, healing and figuring out a new normal.
I will have plenty of pictures to come, I'm sure, as this little bundle has stolen all of our hearts.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Musical Monday: Michael Bible - Daddy's Little Girl

This is the week my friends!!
I'm sure you'll be understanding that I will be away most, if not all of the week... I am having a person removed from my body and all... seems expected that I would take a minute away from the computer...

 I will be back next week with one or two pictures of the bean...
Have a lovely week folks!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

School Bound

It's official... I have a kid in school.
It's also official... I am so not cool with it! 
I have debated for quite some time about homeschool vs public schooling my kids. I realize the stigma that comes along with home schooling, as I've investigated everything I have heard many unwanted opinions on the matter, but truthfully that doesn't phase me. Unfortunately introducing a schooling schedule to a 4 year old, while trying to entertain a 3 year old all while balancing a newborn... didn't seem like a recipe for success in the beginning.
So for now, I am forced to accept that public school is what's right for our family, right now, and we can reevaluate in the future.
I will admit to him having a wonderful teacher though, which he is very excited about, and a very small class (6 kids or so?), which I am very excited about.
For now... while I am not over joyed with anything to do with the process... I'm in the process of being ok with it... ask me again in a month...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chocolate Cake

For years I have been on the hunt for the perfect homemade chocolate cake. I've tried ones with coffee, root beer, melted chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate chips, cake flour, all purpose flour, no flour... I have found many "all right" recipes, but never "the" recipe.

Until now of course! One of my biggest issues with homemade cakes is I often find them remarkably dense and borderline too dry; especially when you consider the amount of work most involve. This cake is moist and chewy and mouth wateringly delicious and so super simple to make.
I made this intending to send 3/4's - 1/2 of the cake in to work with my mister... it never left my house and I think it was gone within 2 days...

Chocolate Cake
3/4 cup cocoa powder
1 cup boiling water
3/4 cup sour cream
1 cup butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

Pour boiling water over cocoa powder and stir until the cocoa is dissolved. Allow to cool. Whisk in sour cream.
Beat butter and sugars together until light (roughly 5 minutes). Add eggs one at a time and then mix in the cocoa mixture and vanilla.
Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt over the batter and fold gently until completely combined.
Divide the batter between two 9" pans and bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes until a tester comes out clean.

Ice with your most favourite chocolate icing! 

**recipe can be found in this book**

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ready And Waiting



I can't believe in a week (my section date was changed from the 11th to the 12th) I will be holding my little lady in my arms. We are all getting super excited to meet her and become a family of 5. Both boys are beside themselves at the idea of being able to hold and cuddle her which makes me so happy. I have been a little concerned as to how they will deal with the addition but I am feeling better the closer we get watching their excitement grown. Don't get me wrong, I am anticipating them to be over the novelty quite quickly however it's nice knowing that their initial thoughts are full on excitement.
Zac starts school tomorrow (cue, sob) so we have spent the last few days trying best to enjoy each other as much as possible because life is about to change so much!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Musical Monday: Sara Bareilles - Single Ladies cover

I just recently discovered Sara Bareilles... perhaps you could say I re-discovered her recently? Truth is, I had no idea who she was, listened to a few of her songs, bought her CD and then discovered that I did actually know who she was... yes, it was an interesting turn of events.
This is one of the first songs I found on You Tube that made me fall in love with her... I'm not typically crazy about "cover" songs, but I love how different this one is from the original and how surprising well it works!

Happy Monday!