
Friday, September 7, 2012

School Bound

It's official... I have a kid in school.
It's also official... I am so not cool with it! 
I have debated for quite some time about homeschool vs public schooling my kids. I realize the stigma that comes along with home schooling, as I've investigated everything I have heard many unwanted opinions on the matter, but truthfully that doesn't phase me. Unfortunately introducing a schooling schedule to a 4 year old, while trying to entertain a 3 year old all while balancing a newborn... didn't seem like a recipe for success in the beginning.
So for now, I am forced to accept that public school is what's right for our family, right now, and we can reevaluate in the future.
I will admit to him having a wonderful teacher though, which he is very excited about, and a very small class (6 kids or so?), which I am very excited about.
For now... while I am not over joyed with anything to do with the process... I'm in the process of being ok with it... ask me again in a month...

1 comment:

  1. Sweet boy, I cannot believe you are in school already! Seems like yesterday I was watching you start to walk! I hope you had a wonderful first day, can't wait to see you and your family soon :)
    Love Auntie K
