Tuesday, January 19, 2010

10 Things about ME!

I'm married to one of the best guys around.
I was married to my bestest friend in the whole wide world in October 2005 at the ripe old age of 20 after roughly 3 years of dating.

I'm a stay at home mama.
I have 2 adorable boys and I have chosen to stay home with them full time. It's the toughest and most thankless job I have ever had, but I would not trade it for anything in the world.

I am freakishly territorial about laundry.
I do it. Don't ask if you can do it or offer to help. It's my thing.
...told you... freakish...

I try my hardest to be a positive person.
I find negativity is super contagious and it's not something I like to dwell on.

I like to read.
... like a lot...

I live super far from family.
I suppose "super far" is a bit of a personal opinion (as I know there are some who live even further) but I live about 1,800 miles from "home".

I'm a self taught sewer.
Once upon a time my mom tried showing me the ins and outs of sewing, but I was too cool to continue learning. When we moved away from family I found myself craving something that reminded me of home and the sewing machine did that. I remembered most of the little things mom taught me and the rest has been learned through trial and error.

I'm ridiculously afraid of spiders...
it borders on embarrassing most of the time.

I love to bake.
I am so comfortable and happy behind a big bowl of flour waiting to mix in other wonderful ingredients to make something that tastes as wonderful as it smells. If I could only feed my family baked goods without worrying about being healthy I would.

I am a Christian!
I believe in God and I believe he sent his son, Jesus, to die on a cross for my sins so that I can live eternally with him someday.

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