Our little town is putting on it's annual craft fair at the local hotel this weekend.
I LOVE craft fairs and it's something I've really been missing since we moved out here. This year we've been paying extra attention to the paper to see if any happened in our area with full intent on traveling to see them if we needed too.
Just our luck though! There have been two within the last three weeks in our area!
I love everything about craft fairs! I love to chat up the artisans and figure out their creative process and what makes them tick. I love the hoards of people and the smells of baked goods, coffee and Christmas.
I picked up these cute little necklaces...

I'm absolutely smitten with the owl.
And look at the back of the butterfly pendent!

It's a scrabble game tile!
She packaged them up super cute too.

I have to say, my little mind is bubbling over with ideas at the moment, all from an hour of inspiration! BUT I still need to hunker down and sew like crazy!
Hubby has given me the deadline of Monday to have my shop up and running on Etsy! The extra push from him has been good though, I'm a bucket of nerves about the whole thing so the extra nudge from him is what I need to force me out of my comfort zone.
I'll keep you informed on the progress of the shop, so far I have 3 naked dolls all ready to go, a few more to complete and some clothes and then I'll be ready to take pictures and list them. AH!
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