Happy December 1st!!!!
I love Christmas time and could celebrate it all year!
When I was preggers with Zachary everyone kept telling me how Christmas was going to over shadow "his day" since it was so close. Hubby and I vowed not to let this happen and have made the rule that no decorations go up until after Zac's day.
So today the decorations come out and the tree is going up!
I tend to bake a lot this time of year and am going to share a bunch of recipes over the next few weeks.
I thought I'd start with my most favourite!!

Confetti Squares!
1/2 cup butter
1 cup peanut butter
2 pkgs butterscotch chips
1 cup coconut
3 cups mini marshmallows.
Melt butter, peanut butter and butterscotch chips together in a saucepan.
Cool slightly.
Add coconut and marshmallows.
Press into a greased 9x13 pan.
Being in the Christmas spirit and all, I thought I'd also share my fave Christmas song!
Because I'm particular about this one, and only like the versions Dean Martin sings there's no video, but no matter in my mind! It's still the best song!
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