A few months ago I had a huge hankering for bubble tea.
It's something that I hadn't had for years and could not get where I currently live.
I couldn't remember how it tasted, I couldn't buy it to remind myself and I couldn't get it out of my head!
Last week while my brother in law and his fiance were visiting, she surprised me with the awesome gift of bubble tea supplies!!

It was so much fun! I really do love the stuff.
What is bubble tea you ask? Well it's a super fun milky tea drink with tapioca pearls in the bottom of your glass! You drink it cooled and with a straw so you get a fun tapioca ball surprise randomly as you drink!!

Could sound gross... could sound interesting... however it sounds to you, it's totally fantastic and you should try it!
and to make the whole experience that much better, she brought coloured tapioca balls!!
...tapioca balls really are nasty looking... but ooooh sooooo good!
Interesting! I'll have to give that a try sometime! I’m a new follower Happy Friday!! I would love for you to stop and take a look at my blog as well! Thanks!
Definitely something I've never heard of but it sounds fun!
Thanks so much for joining us for Friendly Friday, have a great weekend!
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I've never heard of this before, but sounds interesting enough to try it out:) And the little tapioca things look just like some small jellyfish.. hi hi I am now following you thanks to Social Parade on Friday, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday, where you can meet lots of friends and have a great time:) See you there!
Happy Friday
ACK! Bubble tea... love it... it's like a drug for me...isn't that awful?!? Had no idea there are supplies! I might have to keep an eye out for them! =)
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We have a bubble tea shop close to where we live - I haven't gathered the courage to try it (tapioca belongs in pudding, not tea!). But I'm a little picky that way.
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I've heard of the tapioca balls but not the tea. But it sounds great and now I really wish I has some! :-)
I am your newest follower from the Friday blog hops. Love your blog! You can find me at:
Have a great day!
Cute blog!
Hello from a new follower on the hop! Please stop by and follow me too when you get a sec! Thanks and Happy Weekend! :D
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My daughter and I ADORE bubble tea but I've never tried to make it before. Thanks for all the info, we will have to try to make it at home.
Mika (www.mikaspantry.blogspot.com)
Was it hard to make?
Oh my gosh! These look so fun! Haha! My children would LOVE this. Found your blog while stalking through blogs. Super cute ideas, and lots of recipes I will be trying :) Stop by my blog sometime, i'd love to have you!
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