Because of the hurricane our little town, here in Newfoundland, has been pretty much cut off from the rest of the province/island.
To get to us, there is only 1 road with 3 bridges along the way, 2 of these bridges were washed out by Igor. Which means things are getting pretty scarce for us at the moment. The peninsula that we live on didn't have any gas or other supplies come in for almost a week.
For that reason we've been pretty careful about how frequently we use our car. So for the birthday party on the weekend, making a 20 min drive into our main centre and then 20 min back, just to get a card really seemed quite silly. I pulled out all my scrapbooking stuff and had a great time Friday evening making up a bunch of different cards!

This is just some, but I think these ones are my favourites! The colours are just so happy and fantastic!!!
Ah, it feels so good to be getting my craft on again!
It's been too long!!!!
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