Today I burnt caramel.

It's something I've never done before, and can honestly say it IS as horrible as they say... I couldn't get rid of the taste of burnt sugar in my mouth for a good 30-45 minutes after!
I'll be honest I was really annoyed, with myself, that I let it happen. I've made caramel before, a few times actually, and I've never burnt it...until tonight...
We're going to a pot luck tomorrow night at one of my husband's co-workers so I've been baking most of the day.
It's good though, with our new "healthier" lifestyle coming into effect, it's helping me get rid of some ingredients that will tempt me into making cookies and eating them in one night to hide the evidence!
I made these pictures for Zac's room a while back, before he had a real interest in anything specific.

There wasn't much to making them, I just cut some animal silhouettes out of fabric and glued them down to paper and then stuck those into frames once they were dry.
Tonight I'm going to start working on an "updated" version of these pictures and I'm pretty excited to see the finished product! Zac has taken a fondness to dinosaurs, so I've drawn up a few and I'm planning to embroider them in some fun colours. I'm hoping it doesn't take me too long to finish them!
We also have plans to watch the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" tonight.
I love that movie!
So if I can convince my hubby to actually watch a movie with the lights on I'm going to get to work on Zac's new pictures...
Wish me luck!
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