Zachary is almost 3 years old and Eli is 1.5... in that time, we have not printed a single picture...
until today!
For some time now I have wanted to do up a scrapbook for each of them. I want the first year of their lives to be documented month by month and then after their first birthday I had no set goals, just to continue on randomly or with special events.
Because we were printing 323 pictures I was really hoping the order wouldn't be messed up in the processing and that they'd all come to me in the order I submitted them in... but they didn't! I have spent my evening sorting through all of them, dating them and writing the age of the boys on the back. I sorted them into piles for each boy, each month of their lives and family events.

Then I stacked them all up again and put them back in the box with dividers...

I could not be happier that that's finally done!
Tomorrow, let the scrapbooking begin!
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