I'm home!!
Well... ok, I've been home for a week now, but it still feels so wonderfully new and comfortable. Is there really a better feeling in the world then coming home from a long vacation to your own house, filled with all your own things? I think not! and I plan to relish in this comfortable feeling for as long as I possibly can!
The boys and I have been in Ontario for a whopping 8 weeks, 3 of which my mister was with us and the last 5 with him in Newfoundland doing house renovations while the boys and I stayed with family in Ontario.
I know I've been posting pretty irregularly over these past few weeks, but that should hopefully all come to an end now my friends!! And if you've been checking in and stuck with me all this time THANK-YOU!! It makes me feel so special to have people care and get excited to see what I have to say and share!
What a more fun way to start posting again then with a Musical Monday!! I love this song; it always makes me want to get up and start dancing, which seems fitting at the moment, since all I want to do is dance around my house.
I must say though... watching this old video, it puzzles me that the Beatles were considered icons to the ladies... a different time perhaps...
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