I feel as though I'm late getting this post out, but simply can't not post about our Christmas day!
I was a little disappointed with myself this year and the lack of pictures taken over the holidays.
We didn't take many during Christmas day, but we did get some cute shots showing the boys and their excitement.
Eli's "cheese!" face, showing off his new pots (they came in a girly box), so he will hopefully stop denting mine!!
Hurray for ripping wrapping paper!

Does it really matter what's inside? I forgot how much fun it was to demolish wrapping paper until I watched the boys move from package to package just to unwrap them, not even looking to see what was inside!
Not quite sure who had more fun with the Bounce Back Racer, but each of the boys continue to need to take turns!

Eli showed more interest in the camera over Christmas then he ever has,

I'm hoping his interest will continue so I'll be able to get some nice pictures of him from here on! He really is such a cutie, I just can't get him to hold still long enough to snap a shot of anything but the back of his head!
Despite the bug we've all been fighting, the holiday has been wonderful to us, and left us all exhausted!

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