I was once told that the key to entertaining kids is foam stickers.
I can honestly say, I didn't believe it could be so simple, but I did pick up a couple packages of different stickers along with some visors and door hangers to decorate and packed them away for the day I needed something to entertain the boys.

We were having a boring day a couple of days ago and the boys could not be entertained for more then 5 seconds doing anything. So I consulted my crafting stash and came across the foam stickers and visors. I pulled them out, dumped them all over the kitchen table and sat all three of my guys down to go to town.

They had a ball!!

It was the best investment I could have made and really it cost less then $10 and I still have enough left over for at least 3 more sittings.

If you don't already have some in your entertainment stash, I would hurry out and get some now!!!
What is your rainy day activity?
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