This year and last I sent Christmas Baking home to my family in ON.
I've decided it's going to be a tradition, as I enjoy baking during the holidays (as you already know!) and I need to get it out of the house so I don't eat it all.
Last year my packaging was pretty simple, just plastic containers wrapped with tissue paper and ribbon, but I really wanted to make this year fun.
I like the idea of my family being excited to see how I'm going to package up their goodies.
I have 3 nephews and 2 nieces and last Christmas I sent the ones that were old enough a couple of cookies that they didn't have to share and a big lollipop.
This year I wanted more of a goodie bag feel.

I sewed them each their own little bag, tailoring each to their likes and filled them with goodies I thought they would enjoy.
Seriously, it was!
I followed the basic guidelines of this pattern to make most of the bags, changing some of the measurements and adding an appliqued initial on each.
I filled the girls bags with hair accessories, earrings, toy ponies (sparkly ones!) and a little art kit.
The older boys were given pool noodle swords, mini transformer toys (each his favourite one) a placemat with their Transformer hero on it and an art kit.
My youngest nephew was given a ball, some puzzle pieces, a couple books and some plastic farm animals.

(I made my mom lay them out and take a picture of them all together, filled and waiting... cuz I'm high maintenance like that!)
They all seemed to really enjoy them! My sister in law took a video of them opening them so I wouldn't miss anything and it ment so much to me to feel like I was there for some of the reaction/excitement.
All my effort went into the kiddies this year so the adults were given store bought lunch carriers (more for the ladies...), I still think they're pretty great though!
I'm already thinking up ideas for next year!!
1 comment:
Wow, these are great! What a lovely personal idea.
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