Friday, January 20, 2012

28 Before 28

As promised, here are are my 28 goals to complete before I turn 28!

1. Twelve date nights (1 per month)
2. Complete house updates
3. Watch less TV
4. Crochet 2 things
5. Do weekly crafts with the boys (at least)
6. Complete one soduko puzzle
7. More outdoor family fun
8. Sell our house
9. Knit a sweater
10. Learn to hand dye yarn
11. Learn to use camera manually
12. Reduce our carbon footprint
13. Finish reading my bible (a poorly executed goal from 2011)
14. Scrapbook
15. Be able to run 5K
16. Make a (vintage) pillowcase top
17. Stay on top of cleanup
18. Wear more dresses
19. Learn to play guitar
20. Homemade Christmas
21 Stick to budget
22. Sew a pretty dress
23. Embroider something
24. Buy less pre-packaged/processed foods; eat more whole grains
25. Learn to shoot a gun (does this make me sound a tad freaky??)
26. Ride a snowmobile
27. Help Eli conquer his fear of the toilet
28. Do something that scares me

Have you ever set a goal list to complete before your next birthday? Last year I did a 27 by 27 list and was able to check almost everything off it within my 365 day deadline.
I do so love setting goals... makes me feel amazing whenever I complete them!!

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